Quarter 3 Week 7 Update: Backstreet’s Back

Hi there! This is Hammer the Backlog, the weekly warhammer mini painting, productivity and accountability blog. If this is your first time here, welcome! If this is not your first time, you are probably eager to get on with seeing the same things you see every week: a look at the productivity scorecard, followed by this week’s models!

A slight flub on the scorecard this week, but also a big win! First of all, 13 models finished to a standard I am happy to call done. This includes the five painted this week, as well as the 8 painted over the last two weeks, which I’ve now rebased and am happy to call done. That evens the average number of models painted back out to 5 hammer the backlog points per week. Nice.

The slight red in the ledger this week is that, other than keeping up my Insta posts religiously, I haven’t found a community yet who are super interested in this particular vintage of models. I think they fall into the unlucky grey area of being old enough to be not new and exciting, but at the same time they are too new to be retro! I will keep up the hunt for a subreddit dedicated to models from the early 2010s.

Five more Chaos Cultists done this week. Once again the heavy weapon guy was probably my favourite this week. Thes rest of these models were probably my least favourite from this particular box set. I like the models from this set that look most like fallen guardsmen, and most of these fellas are pretty grubby looking fellas without even the hint of a uniform. 

For the bases I went with spaceship / hive city flooring. I painted this first with retributor armour, then layered over that with Iron Hands steel, leaving the retributor on the lowest levels. I then washed the whole thing in Agrax Earthshade Gloss. An edge highlight on the silver areas with stormhost silver made the bases pop a little. A few splashes of other inks and washes here and there breaks up the uniformity a little bit, I hope.

Eight more of these to go now. I am lagging a little bit, so I might try and get six done rather than five for next week, but don’t hold me to that!

A huge congratulations to Old Realm Forge and Simone on his hugely successful The Underground War kickstarter. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I chipped in a little bit here by painting up the dwarf marksmen, while my good mate and awesome painter Highland Painting did the goblins.

Give him a like and a follow!

I have no financial ties to the kickstarter, so the only reason I’m showing it is my own pride in being a very small part of such a successful launch, and to hopefully get more people to see and appreciate Simone’s work.

You can check it out here if you are so inclined.

Well, that is all from me this week. I hope to see you all again at the same time next week for 5 more 2012 Chaos Cultists.

You’re the best eggs!

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